We awoke to a frenzy of leaping common dolphins along with an array of attendant frigatebirds, pelicans, and gulls that foraged within Loreto Bay Marine Park, our morning destination. This scenic, protected area includes five rugged islands and the waters that surround them. Our anchorage at Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante was especially beautiful because of the turquoise-colored bay and the dramatic backdrop of the Sierra de la Giganta escarpment in the distance. After our previous day on the water, it was fun to get ashore for kayaking, snorkeling, swimming, and hiking. Porcupine fish, graceful king angels, and stone scorpionfish watched as we swam through their realm, and a variety of sea stars dotted the rocks. Hikers climbed to several high vantage points for stunning views perfect for photography. Kayakers skirted the shoreline for a chance to take in the surroundings at their own pace. Many opted for Zodiac tours along the rocky shore to see birds, along with sea stars, and other marine life just beneath the surface. We all returned for a Mexican-style lunch of pozole, and the officers and crew hoisted our anchor to continue south.

Throughout the afternoon we motored over calm seas, always on the lookout for marine mammals. At sunset, a blue whale surfaced. What a wonderful way to wrap up our time in this special place. So much had happened during our time on this voyage, from our start on undulating sand dunes, to the phenomenal whale encounters, peaceful desert walks, and sightings of acrobatic dolphins. Our shipboard community of travelers experienced an adventure like no other. It was hard to believe that this would be our last afternoon together on this truly Remarkable Journey.