Today was the second full day of our expedition in Baja California Sur. The day started with anticipation and excitement for guests participating in the Zodiac tour of the “Man O’ War” mangroves system. The goal was to seek out new wildlife viewing opportunities among this unique ecosystem. Shortly after breakfast, the morning sun was begging us to begin the day of exploration. Guests joined the naturalists to view the mangroves and various bird species on the shore. Directly below we viewed Cortez stingrays gliding by in the shallow water.

After lunch we went ashore to hike and explore the small village of Puerto Magdalena. Guests joined naturalists on either a strenuous hike that included a view of the open Pacific Ocean, or a moderate hike that focused on various plant life. The endemic Magdalena rose was in full bloom — a rare treat for a global explorer. The sun was shining and the sunset was beautiful. It was a fine day to be exploring Baja California Sur.