After a calm night navigating north, we landed on the red cobble beach of Isla San Marcos. This was a morning to experience the desert and the sea. From the vantage point of a kayak and paddleboard, we explored the surface of the Gulf of California. Osprey flew overhead, pelicans glided effortlessly by, and diminutive eared grebes dove for a fishy breakfast. Donning mask and snorkel some investigated the abundant fish, corals, and other underwater denizens that call the gulf home. On land, we wandered the dry arroyo and delighted in the flowers that dotted the landscape. Later in the afternoon, we strolled in the town of Santa Rosalia and sampled the ice cream shop as well as the bakery. With the cooling temperatures, we gathered on the shady porch of the Hotel Francis and enjoyed refreshments and the view of a glass calm gulf.