Today aboard Lord of the Glens began as the ship departed from Oban, sailed through the Sound of Mull, and headed toward Craignure. The weather was cloudy with clear patches, which is common for a Scottish summer.

We arrived and boarded a bus to take the one hour and fifteen-minute journey to the ferry at Fionnport. The scenery along the way is spectacular, and the driver, Adrian, kept us entertained with many anecdotes and points of information.

The ferry from Fionnport to Iona is only ten minutes. Once across, the guests were treated to a short shower, which reminded us of the unpredictability of the weather. Most of the group went with local guide, Jana, for a tour of the old Nunnery and then on to the Abbey of Saint Columba. A smaller group of hikers went with Naturalist John on a walk around the northern part of the island. The views across the sea to the main island and out to Staffa were inspirational.

After lunch at Martyrs Café, the group caught the ferry back to the main island of Mull, where we boarded the coach for a journey to Duart Castle. This is the seat of the Clan Maclean, who still owns and occupies the castle.

In the evening, we were given a talk by a representative from the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust.