We had bright sunshine all day! It was a real treat. In the morning, we explored Tobermory with it’s pretty, colorful houses. We strolled through the varied and fun shops in town, hiked to a lighthouse, and went for a history walk.

Then the ship sailed for Eigg and after lunch, we spotted a minke whale! And a short while later, we saw another one! While not uncommon in these waters, minke whales are difficult to spot. This was the first sighting aboard Lord of the Glens this year.

On the lovely island of Eigg (population about 97), some of us went cycling while others went for a hike. All of us enjoyed simply being here on this peaceful, calm, sunny day. Later, we sailed over calm seas to Inverie on the mainland. This village is truly remote—you can get there by small passenger boat or on foot. Inverie has a short stretch of road, but it’s not connected to the road network of Britain. This makes the local pub, the Old Forge, the most remote pub on the British mainland—it’s even in Guinness World Records. After dinner, a pilgrimage to this pub was in order for many of us.