With the first light of the morning, the National Geographic Endeavour II arrives to the northwestern side of James Island. This is a very sunny morning, calm seas and clear skies, our explorers prepare for a pre breakfast exploration at “Espumilla” beach. Several groups land on the very volcanic beach surrounded by bright green mangroves. Our guests venture into an unusually green forests made of mostly giant mangroves, the hike takes us to a great look out point that over sees the shore line and a couple of intertidal lagoons formed by the high tide. We also offered a photo walk led by our photo instructors, and our guests enjoyed and leaned by capturing great images to share.

After a great breakfast, the National Geographic Endeavour II repositions to Buccaneers Cove, once in the site we deploy our fleet of kayaks and zodiacs in order to begin with the water activities. This is a very scenic landscape right before our eyes, as we cruise along the shore with the group of kayakers. The group of snorkelers explore the underwater realm teeming with life, a series of collapses decorate the seafloor and provide a diverse habitat for several species of fish.

After lunch we reposition to “Puerto Egas” at south James Bay, we offer an option to go to the beach for swimming and snorkeling and a later option to hike along the intertidal zone of the area. This is an incredible nature walk; the wildlife along the shore is overwhelming. Sea lions, fur seals, great blue herons, sally light-foot crabs and very dramatic lava flows are some of the highlights of the afternoon.

This is the best time in the year to observe the newborn sea lion pups, as they are playing in the intertidal pools close to their mothers. They often behave inquisitive towards travelers and interact directly with them on land and underwater.

Our guests return to the National Geographic Endeavour II with the sunset light, smiles and great experiences lived on James Island.