Having gathered from various points around the globe in Bali our voyage of exploration to Indonesia began with boarding the National Geographic Orion. Situated on the southern coast of Bali is the port facility for the country. Once everyone was accounted for and all of the luggage distributed to the proper cabins the Captain called for a mandatory safety drill.  With this completed we were then ready to release the lines and get underway. Port Brenoa disappeared in the distance as the sun set and we enjoyed refreshing drinks on the sundeck.

Our first day on the National Geographic Orion was a relaxing sea passage going in a general northwesterly course. Behind us the winds pushed us along and the ship rode quite steadily through the waters. Having a first day at sea was quite worthwhile, especially for those that had made long flights from their home. 

The day was also quite full of activities starting with a Zodiac briefing and explanation of our next two days of excursions. By tomorrow morning we would be off the southern coast of Borneo where we hoped to spend time visiting the Tanjung Puting National Park, Camp Leakey, and the Orangutan Care Center. These two days would be full and long so our expedition leader, Adam, lined out the plans and the logistics.

As an introduction to the upcoming experiences our Global Perspective Guest Speaker, Dr. Birute’ Galdikas gave two presentations—one on the great apes and particularly orangutans, followed by an introduction and explanation of the work being done at Camp Leakey. To make sure that everyone could operate their cameras and to give some additional pointers on expedition photography, the photo team of staff spent the remaining part of the afternoon instructing and offering suggestions on how to attempt to get the best shots.

As we traveled along the sun slowly lowered through the endless Java Sea and we were able to enjoy our first tropical colorful sundown. Then was time for the next event—welcome cocktails and a presentation of the ship’s officers. Captain Lyubomir Garciyanov welcomed us to the ship and to the amazing area we will be traveling through together. And to set off the finale of the day we had a marvelous welcome dinner in the restaurant. 

Having had a full but relaxing first day, most everyone retired for the evening in order to prepare for tomorrow’s early morning and the idea of our first special expedition ashore in Indonesia.