Real exploration is at the heart of the Lindblad-National Geographic style of expedition travel. Many good experiences can be planned, but the best and most exciting days are those when we head into unknown territory, all plans flexible, eyes wide open, ready for anything.

Today National Geographic Orion anchored in the mouth of Kajumera Bay, on the southern coast of the narrow neck of the Bird’s Head, the huge peninsula that forms the western end of New Guinea. As far as we know, no other expedition ship has ever explored the waters of this beautiful bay; it looked great on the map—what would it be like on the ground? We were up early, eager to make the most of our time there. By 0600 we were out in the Zodiacs, cruising through the cut behind Kajumera Island that leads into the bay.

The dawn light and the soft, cool air welcomed us as we approached the limestone cliffs and thick tropical forest along the shore. Tall palms and large strapped-leaved pandanus trees stood out among the many species growing on the steep slopes above the water, and we were also able to spot the conspicuous blossoms of the beautiful, limestone-loving rock flowers. Careful inspection also revealed exquisite purple orchids growing on the bare rock a few feet over the water, their brilliant purple flowers glowing against the grey backdrop. Blythe’s hornbills and white-breasted sea eagles flew out from the forest above us, while lovely little sunbirds flitted through the thick foliage closer by.

After returning to our ship for a well-deserved breakfast, some of us went out for a later tour of the bay while others mounted an exploratory snorkeling expedition. At this season the waters of the bay are rich with phytoplankton, so the visibility in the water was not at its best, but that did not stop us from discovering a very beautiful little reef garden where jewel-like fish hovered among the branches and crenellations of a wonderful variety of colorful corals.

Back on the ship again, it was time to get underway and continue our journey east. We kept busy though, enjoying excellent presentations on photography, human migration into the Indo-Pacific and, most exciting, Lawrence Blair’s adventures in the Asmat region of New Guinea, which will be our next stop. As intriguing as we know that will be, today was a very special day of exploration. Kajumera Bay is no longer just a spot on the map to us; we are among the very few people who have firsthand experience of its beauty and happy memories of our visit there.