The day began with National Geographic Orion creeping closer to Kargamil Island, one within the Four Mountains island group comprising the Aleutian island chain. Raising straight out from the ocean, the green of Kargamil’s mountainsides was in stark, scenic contrast to the woolly gray of the sky behind it.

The morning was a true expedition as the staff scouted this new location for a possible landing while the dive team slipped below the waves to investigate the ocean’s contents. The scouting party came back with new adventures and everyone loaded into Zodiacs to be shuttled to the island for hikes on the treeless landscape. Several guest choose to brave the infamous Aleutian waters and explored the coast by Zodiac. Everyone was rewarded with sightings of curious Steller sea lions, stunning views, and a true sense of adventure.

By noon everyone was back aboard the ship and the rest of the day was filled with cruising and looking for marine mammals.