What an amazing day in the world’s largest national park. We sailed deep into Franz Joseph Fjord, beginning with an incredible sunrise (at a very civilized hour now that it’s fall) over the giant icebergs in the fjord. The mountains were lit up pink as we sailed into our anchorage for the morning, and it was a quick Zodiac ride to shore for one of the most beautiful hikes I’ve done in Greenland. After an elevation gain, we finished at a red lake with perfect views of the snowcapped mountains in the background. We spotted muskoxen as we sailed even deeper into the fjord to find the source of all the icebergs: Waltershausen Glacier. Six miles wide and seventy miles long, she was incredible to behold. Surrounded by harp and ringed seals, ivory gulls, and giant icebergs, it was a glorious day.