A stunning day in Patagonia. After we left Puerto Natales, we heard an interesting lecture by Carl Safina, writer and conservationist.

Afterward, we navigated toward Kirke Narrows and unknown adventure. With a clear, blue sky (we could hardly remember what that looked like) and some scattered clouds, the scenic view allowed us to see the full height of the Andes.

Along the way, we enjoyed taking photos of the Burney volcano that was covered with snow due to a recent storm. The volcano is located about 200 km northwest of Punta Arenas and approximately 100 km from Puerto Natales.

Native forests, endemic flora, and several birds accompanied us along the way throughout the exploration until we arrived—with lots of wind but more clear, blue skies—at Strait of Magellan. It was a great day to take photos and enjoy being at the end of the world in Patagonia!