Today, we spent the day onboard National Geographic Quest sailing up the majestic waterways of British Columbia. Needing to cover much ground, it was a day spent onboard enjoying presentations in the lounge, a delicious brunch, and looking for wildlife from the bow and bridge.

We spotted whales in the distance, recognized by the distinctive blow from their spouts. Taking three to four breaths at the surface then diving down, we witnessed what is referred to as lunge feeding. The energy was high after spotting these cetaceans.

While enjoying a presentation from our National Geographic expert, Toni, we were elated to spot a coastal brown bear close to the water’s edge. It looked very slender, indicating it had recently come out of its winter hibernation.

Then things got really wild when the bridge and a guest onboard spotted something dog-like on the intertidal. Witnessing a wolf is something that naturalists and guests alike wait years to experience. The sea wolf, as they are colloquially known, lives and feeds out on the waters of British Columbia. This was an absolute treat and marked our day as a win for wildlife.