After a wonderful day in Montenegro, Sea Cloud navigated the Dalmatian Coast through the night as we headed north. This morning we woke up in Croatia, near the island of Korĉula, our destination for the day. Our local guides, Petra Nosetic and Andrea "Queen of Korĉula," enlightened us with the fascinating stories of this majestic island. Walking through the island that was part of the Venetian Empire from the 14th to the 18th centuries, we visited the museum, the cathedral and the Bishop's Palace. We also walked past the house where Marco Polo was presumably born.

One of the highlights was to see the traditional Croatian dance called Moreska. This fantastic performance has been transmitted from generation to generation for about 400 years. Not only did we get to experience traditional Croatian culture, but also this dance is a fantastic performance where dancers skillfully represent a sword battle. A live orchestra with clarinets, trombones, trumpets, and drums plays as the story unfolds on stage.

Some of us took advantage of the free time at Korĉula, to plunge into the glassy turquoise waters of the Mediterranean. What a great opportunity to refresh ourselves in a picturesque sea surrounded by medieval walls and towers.

After enjoying the town of Korĉula, Sea Cloud left the port and all hands were called to theirs stations. Our skilled crew prepared all the lines and climbed the masts to untie the gaskets. Once again the winds filled the sails and made one of the most beautiful square riggers in the word come to life. We sailed for the rest of the afternoon, recapitulating the history of the old tradition of sailing through Poseidon's realm.