We finally had a relaxed morning to sleep in and wake up slowly. After breakfast we were treated to a fascinating talk about Venice and its influence in the region by our shipboard historian, Dr. Rebecca Ingram. We anchored in front of Korcula Island around 1:30 p.m. and by 2:00 we were already in the cool blue waters of the Adriatic Sea enjoying a swim. There was not a cloud in the sky as we viewed the magnificent island in front of us.

We took the tenders to the shore where the first thing on our program was a guided city tour. Our visit included the famous cathedral of St. Marko with its treasury and museum of Brotherhood of All Saints. After the tour it was a perfect time for shopping. Korcula is known as the best place in Croatia to buy red coral jewelry.

One more thing that Korcula is known for is the Moreska sword dance. This performance was very popular in the past throughout the whole Mediterranean, but it is preserved and danced still today only in Korcula. The performance of Moreska was organized for our group at 6:00 p.m. in a small outdoor theater. We really enjoyed watching the men dance in tight circles as they hit their swords together (sometimes even creating sparks!). After Moreska we still had a bit of time to wander around the herring-bone streets of Korcula, admiring the shops and outdoor cafes before departure.

In the early evening we returned to the ship and ate another amazing meal together. Another day on this expedition was over and we were very eager to discover Kotor the next day.