With Sea Cloud's sails set all morning, summer was in full swing, with warm and sunny skies reflecting off the Adriatic Sea.

As we landed on the island of Korčula, winds provided relief from the morning's steady sun. The afternoon was spent with local guides helping us navigate the narrow, winding streets of the island's Old Town. Korċula's Old Town was planned in such a way that the streets capture the summer winds which act as a natural air conditioner. We were even able to pass by the childhood home of the famed world traveler, Marco Polo.

Our visit to Korčula concluded with an incredible Moreška sword dancing performance--an elaborate live music and acrobatic production involving two groups of dancers, engaging in a mock battle over the fate of a veiled princess.

Our group was welcome to stay on shore to enjoy the local cuisine or return to Sea Cloud for a festive BBQ with a freshly caught whole tuna.

Photos by Ashley Michael Karitis and Sue Forbes