There are moments in your life that – no matter how much you’ve been told, or how much you’ve researched – when they finally happen exceed any and all expectations you might have had. This morning, on our unique and extensive tour of the Orangutan Care Center in Kumai, was full of these moments. Once again we were granted exclusive access to this facility due to the gracious hospitality of Dr. Birute Galdikas, and the added bonus of her personally leading us in some very up-close and personal interactions. The orangutans of all ages that are found here have all been rescued and are being rehabilitated with the goal that they will be returned to the wild. Orphaned babies and juveniles are cared for tirelessly by a large staff who tend to their every need, providing conditions necessary for their survival. The grounds have a completely functional veterinary hospital, enrichment center, sleeping structures and exercise areas that would make any elementary school envious.

Just being allowed into the compound alone is a privilege, but the biggest delight of all was the once in a lifetime opportunity to interact with the young apes. The instant that these amazingly gregarious creatures choose to approach you and that all too familiar hand reaches out to touch you, it all clicks into place. It isn’t some trained encounter, this is a wild and playful individual choosing to come and connect with you. Some of those connections can be slightly rougher than others, as even at a very young age they are surprisingly strong. The general comparison for strength in contrast to humans is that they are five times as strong. We quickly become part of their exercise equipment, as they climb, pull, nibble and hang at their leisure. Different personalities can be identified within minutes, some are mischievous, others slightly shy at first, while some are undeniably affectionate.

The sight of those hairy arms and legs easily clambering around on ropes, the sensation of that weight on your back as they look for a free ride, and most of all the faces, with those endlessly inquisitive eyes are all seared into our memories. And while it might be impossible to fully describe such an experience, we all certainly will leave here trying to express this wonderful memory we were able to share with each other and now want to share with everyone back home.