We woke up early this morning to the sound of five humpback whales spouting, lunge feeding and showing their flukes. The whales put on quite the show as we sipped our coffee and prepared for our final day of adventure.

After breakfast we landed on the beach in Hanus Bay. Our adventurous hikers headed off on a three-hour hike to see Lake Eva while others went on interpretive hikes to learn about temperate rain forest biodiversity.

Throughout the afternoon we kayaked through the tidewater lagoon, viewed wildlife on Zodiac tours, and went stand-up paddle boarding. Our undersea specialists dove in the bay and found anemones, sea cucumbers, any many species of fish in the unique brackish ecosystem at the mouth of the river. We saw young salmon swimming in the river, bears eating barnacles on the coast, and a mother deer nursing her fawn. We wrapped up our final day with the guest slideshow and a dinner cruise through Peril Strait.