We awakened this morning to clear blue skies and sunshine.  Yet, as the National Geographic Sea Lion continued along Chatham Strait we moved through several frigid fog banks.  I came out to the aft 100 deck for light exercise class to people sheltering from the chill in the corner.  We dispersed to cabins for another outer layer and re-emerged back on deck to do some shaking and stretching.  After breakfast we anchored on the east side of Chichagof Island to take walks and explore the waters in kayaks.  Walkers took to the trail winding through beautiful forest along a sockeye salmon stream.  Mmmm… the air is so fresh and fragrant here!  Long aerobic hikers made it up to some old-growth Sitka spruce trees at Lake Eva, and continued on past the end of the newly-graveled trail, through mud, roots and felled trees.  We encountered some signs of bear along the way – scratches and fur rubbed off on the end posts of a new creek-crossing bridge, as well as several piles of scat on the trail, and digging around some skunk cabbage and devil’s club roots.  We also saw deer tracks and heard songs of many birds.  We were scolded by red-tailed squirrels and walked past their spruce cone middens.  At the midpoint of our walk we took a 5-minute quiet break to experience the forest sounds and sensations.

While we were having lunch, the Undersea Specialist and Chief Mate went diving, and later during recap showed footage.  It’s amazing how productive and diverse the waters are here… the underwater world revealed kelp forests, sea stars, commensal worm on a sea star, sea cucumber and sea urchins.

Once our divers were back onboard we pulled the hook and cruised Chatham Strait and Frederick Sound.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be out on deck, enjoying the scenery and looking for wildlife.  The engines slowed around 4:00 for a humpback whale.  It seemed pretty busy looking for food… up for a few breaths, then back down for 6-7 minute-long intervals.  We also found time to gather in the lounge and learn about our smart-phone cameras.  And just before recap, the second mate pulled the bow of the ship right up to the face of spectacular Kasnyku Falls.  People practiced their vertical panoramic photography.

At this writing we are enjoying cocktails and a taste of Alaska appetizers in the lounge, to be followed by another amazing meal by the galley.  After dinner we plan to tuck into gorgeous Red Bay Bluff for beautiful sunset scenery before tucking in for the night.