On the last day of our trip, we anchored just off Barro Colorado Island. Established in 1923, BCI is known as a research hub for tropical rain forests. Once a mountain, it became an island after the flooding of the valley to create Gatun Lake, the largest reservoir for the Panama Canal waterway. BCI is an enclosed habitat where scientists can study rainfall, soil, forest dynamics, howler monkeys, agoutis, wild cats, and all things related to rainforests.

Today, we had the chance to explore BCI by foot or by Zodiac. There was also the option of visiting the Gamboa Discovery Center. No matter the choice, we were all able to enjoy the sight of monkeys, tamarins and birds. And more importantly, the satisfaction of a full week of learning and adventure.  

After lunch, our ship headed toward the Gatun Locks, the final set of gates that will take us into the Caribbean Sea, our final destination before the end of our trip.