Things started very early this morning, or should I say they lasted from yesterday! Just after midnight the last of the guests and staff re-boarded the National Geographic Orion, after an incredible late evening walk on the fast ice of Lallemand Bay, an area well below the Antarctic Circle. The light and scenery were spectacular on a perfect evening! But our time to head back to the north had arrived, so as soon as we could back away from the ice we started heading toward our goal for later today, the Fish Islands. So all night we steamed through Crystal Sound, navigating past icebergs and sea ice, until we were approaching our destination at about 7 o’clock in the morning.

It was another perfect day, sunny, and no wind to mention at all! But there was a slight detour prior to breakfast, the bridge crew parked the National Geographic Orion right up to a low tabular iceberg, much larger than the ship. What a great scene to wake up to, and drink our morning cup-of-coffee! Soon we were off again and heading toward the site for the activities of the day, kayaking!

So right after breakfast there was a quick briefing for the kayakers, some delicious drinks and sausages on the back deck, a tradition called “Fruhschoppen” and the morning round of kayaking got started. So after an hour and a half it was time for kayakers to return to the ship, and believe-it-or-not, have more food with another delicious lunch being served by the amazing galley crew!

By 1 o’clock the second round of kayaking got started, with the same sunny conditions, to the delight of all participants, and the staff. By 2:30 it was wrapping up and the kayaks, guests and zodiacs were all heading back to the “mother ship”.

There however, was still one piece of business that needed to be taken care of before we got underway, the “polar plunge”! So off with the parkas and rain pants, and on with the swim suits or shorts, for a very refreshing plunge into the frigid waters of the Antarctic. It was great fun for participants and on-lookers alike!

The last part of the afternoon was dedicated to looking for more wildlife as we made our way further north, toward our destination for tomorrow morning, Port Lockroy. Another fabulous day exploring in Antarctica!