We woke up this morning surrounded by a dense fog. Fortunately, that did not stop the early risers who joined me for my morning stretch class. We addressed some upper body soreness from yesterday’s kayaking with some MELT method self-massage techniques and then we did some sun salutations to encourage the sun out of its foggy hiding place.

After breakfast we boarded the expedition landing craft for a magical mystery tour of the icebergs hidden in the fog of Le Conte Bay. The fog gave our tour of the icy sculptures an intimate feeling and the blues of the ice seemed especially vivid against the misty backdrop. When it was time to return, the National Geographic Sea Bird called us home with loud blasts of its foghorn.

While naturalist Pete Pederson gave an informative talk about Alaska geology, the power of our sun salutations began to take hold. By the time we arrived in Petersburg the sun was shining and it was a glorious afternoon in Southeast Alaska! We spent the rest of the day exploring the vibrant fishing community of Petersburg. We had the opportunity to learn about the fishing boats docked there as well as the marine life that lives on those docks. Some of us enjoyed a photo walk through town and some of us broke out on our own to discover the town on foot or via bicycle.  A few of use took a short expedition landing craft ride to the nearby Petersburg Creek trails either to explore the muskeg area or to walk off a few of those fabulous desserts with a quick-paced aerobic hike.

The sun was still shining at 7 p.m. when we left Petersburg…ah, the power of those sun salutations!