Cerulean bits of ice bobbed in the placid galactoid waters of Le Conte Bay. The unseen terminal moraine of Le Conte glacier, a line of rock and debris exposed only at low tide, hemmed in the largest bergs and kept them from entering into Frederick Sound. With time these bergs will fracture, roll, melt, and become ever smaller until their bergie bits can be floated up and over this nature-made iceberg corral. 

We explored, photographed, admired and absorbed the wonders presented on this calm, overcast morning as we cruised amongst the field of icebergs.   

Just north of Le Conte Bay on Mitkof Island is the fishing community of Petersburg. We had an incredible day exploring Petersburg, our preparations started with a liberal application of sunscreen. Blue skies, blazing sunshine, and billowy clouds were the backdrop to our activities. The chirpy chicken calls of eagles, the sweet spiraling song of thrushes, and the staccato repeats of the chicka-dee-dee-dee all provided a symphonic backdrop from town to the shaded forest. Bicycles were also available for a wind-whipping-through-your-hair ride around the town.

Some took a short ride across the Wrangell Narrows to walk the forest service trail into a bog environment. This nutrient poor environment is host to a diversity of strategies for survival, including plants that capture and dissolve insects in order to obtain the nutrients needed for growth, flowering, and reproduction. The sundew paddle-shaped leaves look innocent enough, until a hapless fly is caught in the sticky secretions. Dinnertime. 

We ended our day with a feast from the sea. Steaming plates of fresh Dungeness crab were served with complimenting accompaniments. We sailed into Frederick Sound as we ended our day with a warm berry crisp topped with ice cream. Any day topped with ice cream is hard to beat.