Today we had the pleasure of waking up in Frederick Sound on our way to LeConte Bay. Our morning mission was to explore the vast masses of ice that have calved off the face of LeConte Glacier. Named after a California scientist Joseph LeConte, the glacier was once the fastest receding glacier in the entire world: At one point it was documented a retreat of half a mile in five months. We loaded into our Zodiacs and ventured in between the icebergs, studying the various textures and nuances of each chunk of ice. Retiring to National Geographic Quest to get warm, we docked the ship in the town that fish built: Petersburg, Alaska. The afternoon encompassed a plethora of options including bog walks, aerobic hikes, dock walks, bike riding, and exploring the town on foot. We finished the day with a large crab feast where everyone onboard could enjoy the fruit of this quaint town of Petersburg.