Time flies when you are having fun they say, and it is happening to all of us aboard the Delfin II. We were all getting ready for our fourth day of exploration and commenting how fast the trip is going. 

We started our day with a wonderful hike at the Llanalpa Trail, a place full of nature and an amazing flora. During our walk, our team of naturalists were developing the secrets of the Upper Amazon region; the natural history of the trees, birds and plants was explained to all of us for a better understanding of the area that we are visiting. 

After this great experience we all got back to our ship and after a delicious lunch our naturalist Denis gave us a presentation about the “People from the Amazon” a very interesting talk that also presented the variety of cultures of the region. 

Finally we all got ready for another expedition, it was late afternoon when we entered the Dorado River, one of the tributaries of the Amazon. From the very beginning the amazing fauna started to surprise us; kingfishers, caracaras, lapwings, herons, monkeys and many more made our afternoon a very special one.  

But the day was not over yet; as we all started our way back to our ship we got caught by the darkness in the middle of the river, it was meant to be that way to start the quest of the caimans, little shining red-eyes started to show above the surface of the water letting us find them easily. Bats, night herons and potoos were also part of the list of sightseeing for another amazing day.