Today we enjoyed sunrise at the beautiful city of Malaga. Our expedition to Alfarnatejo started with a brief city tour, but soon enough we headed north, into the Andalusian Mountains. After passing by a centenary cemetery, we crossed olive groves and cherry orchards, stopping for a “carajillo” (a traditional coffee and liquor mixture) at a local bar.

Wildlife wise, some birds were spotted on the way: kestrels, doves, larks, sparrows, and a beautiful red-rumped swallow. At the river bend some terrapins were warming up and our bus driver stopped briefly, so we could have a quick look at them.

One of the highlights of the tour was the visit to an olive oil mill, where all the production process was briefly explained, followed by an oil tasting, in the way the locals normally consume it: some oil, some bread, and a pinch of salt.

Once in Alfarnatejo we met some of the locals. We visited Miguel’s house, which has belonged to his family for the last 300 years and remains untouched. After that the tour could not have ended better…we were invited to have lunch at one of the local women’s house. Juani, our host, delighted us with a traditional lunch, and most importantly, she gave us a glimpse of her daily life, inviting us to her home while entertaining us with some great stories.

Alfarnatejo certainly has a remarkable beauty, and their unforgettable landscapes well deserve the name of “Pyrenees of the South.”

Once back on board the ship we could exchange impressions with the other groups, as some people where coming back from their expeditions to the spectacular and world-known Alhambra of Granada, and from the highly impressive town of Ronda.

The visit to the Alhambra did not deceive, as this incredible fortress, palace, and oasis commands a view above the city of Granada. Visiting the Court of the Lions, the Hall of Secrets, and the Gardens of the Generalife are a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Ronda, with its old bridge hanging between both sides of the cliff, provides the scenic view that makes this scenic town one of a kind.