After anchoring most of the night, the National Geographic Sea Lion got underway early this morning and sailed a short distance to our anchorage off a beautiful beach at Manuel Antonio National Park. The sun rose just before 7 a.m. with 80-degree temperatures and about the same in humidity. The view from the ship was stunning—white sandy crescent beach with all manner of tropical trees and forest beyond. The sound of howler monkeys and early bird calls beckoned us ashore… spinning legs over the side of the boat landed our feet into ultra-warm salty water. Wow! A tropical paradise. It is easy to see why Manuel Antonio is one of the most visited national parks in Costa Rica—amazingly beautiful with abundant wildlife. The first part of the morning was dedicated to naturalist-led introductory walks to learn about this amazing tropical moist forest and hopefully catch glimpses of wildlife. We were rewarded with fun sightings of capuchin and howler monkeys, raccoons, agouties, two-and three-toed sloths, lizards, iguanas, and many bird species. Yellow-crested caracaras were building a nest in one of the palm trees above our beach station, and they spent a lot of time flying over the beach. Birds of prey are always a marvel to watch!

Upon returning from hikes, people naturally stripped down to their swimsuits and made way to the water. We spent the rest of the morning playing in sand and water, relaxing, and communing with family and fellow shipmates. By noon we were back onboard to eat lunch, and afterwards many people went back to the beach to swim, beachcomb, or just relax, while others remained onboard for siestas, reading, games, or massage.

In the late afternoon we gathered in the lounge for staff introductions and activity briefings, and at this writing we are again gathering in the lounge for appetizers and cocktails. I am certain the galley is hard at work preparing another amazing meal for dinner. What a great first day in Costa Rica. Pura Vida!