Today we started our morning with high expectations to see wildlife as we were arrived to the second most popular protected area of Costa Rica: Manuel Antonio National Park.

An amazing amount of sediments that were accumulated on that area created Tombolo, an amazing beach that connects the mainland with a former island, Punta Catedral. As we walked the trails, we observed young monkeys learning from the adults about what to eat while others were just too lazy to join the lesson. The monkeys were not cooperative with our attempts to photograph them – they just ran and played around from one area to another.

We continued a bit further on the trail, the shapes of flowers, vines and tree trucks incited us to use our imagination and play with our cameras to find creative shots. Suddenly one of our guests asked me: What is that furry thing hanging from the tree? It was a three toed sloth!  We’ve probably been standing below it for more than ten minutes without noticing his presence. “It looks like a termite nest,” one guest commented, but then it slowly started to move… nothing distracted him on his way slowly to another comfortable branch for daytime napping.

The morning was outstanding – we returned from hiking we returned to the landing beach to relax and enjoy the warm Pacific water. Costa Rican beaches are such a great place to discover, some of them with black sand while others full of pebbles, but each of them special. We relocated into Biesanz beach, the bay where we spent our afternoon, everybody enjoyed swimming while some of us went on paddle boards or kayak. Conversation focused on the beauty around us - another great day in Costa Rica!