Early in the morning we started with a delightful breakfast as we navigated to the site we would explore. We were headed to the Amazon Natural Reserve; our destination was the canopy walkway where a particular Amazon forest would surround us. 

First with disembarked at a place where we can see soil that used to be underwater a few months ago; than we hiked for about 10 minutes reaching terra firma for our walk. This is where we took an “Amazonian Catamaran,” two canoes connected for a very pleasant ride along a lagoon where fish are farmed. Very impressive tall trees and sounds from different birds, insects, and monkeys that gladly overload our senses, we are isolated in time and distance; we are going into the forest. Here is where we started walking at a mid-tree range for a vantage point of view. We saw birds, butterflies, and insects of different kinds; from up here we could also see a lagoon, creeks, and rivers, here we learned about the different ecologies as we transited from place to place. This morning our highlight was the flora for sure. We saw the world famous rubber tree, which was once extracted for it useful characteristics. Much history was linked to this tree; money, power, exploitation, and greed was portrayed as our naturalist share the drying sap for us to see and feel. Many medicinal plant and bushes, we even saw a unique palm tree—the only one natives use for their “blow-gun” Pocuna as it is locally known. 

Back on board we had a very well deserved breakfast with an array of flavors and colors for the exotic cuisine is our chef’s pride. 

Our ship, Delfin II, repositioned to a delta connecting a black water river. Here we embarked upstream for a kayak ride along the riverside going gently downstream. Nauta Caño is a softly undulated tributary bluntly headed from north to south as the setting sun slowly casted a shadow on one side. Impressive contrast from a fun sunny day. Puffy clouds and many birds calling for our senses were sharpened by silence. Two- and three-toed sloths we spotted on treetops. Black- or dark-water rivers have a certain soothing character; I believe, the sky’s reflections makes you feel like floating in space. 

Back on board as the sun set reflecting an impressive array of colors while we headed back to our cabins for showers before dinner. Today we had a local tasty catfish seasoned with exotic delicious herbs and fruits. 

Today our expedition leader called for an optional Amazon night walk searching for insects and nocturnal crawlers. From the ship we rode our skiffs to the shore and equipped with flashlights we explored. From left to right we took turns showing what we’d found. Our exiting search was accelerating as we saw many impressive insects. My personal highlight was when the naturalists called for silence and for us all to turn off our flashlights; this is when we were able to feel the jungle much deeper. All the sudden we feel next to our faces and ears the zapping air flapping from a large bat hunting dispersed insects which once followed our flashlights. This feeling was beyond what we all expected, we had a blast and it was now time to return to the ship as we rode under and starry night. 

This is our second full day in the Amazon. I wish you were here my dear reader—the days are full of anecdotes and fun. 

Is time to go to bed now and we can’t wait to see what is coming next.