Waking up in the Amazon is a different experience, with the sights and sounds of the tropical rain forest. The Delfin II is tied to the shore at first light. A spectacular rainbow greets the early risers among us, followed by a hearty breakfast to prepare us for today’s adventures exploring. Once the sun is up and out in full force, the temperature and high humidity is impressive, a nice change from winter in more northern latitudes.

Dry land, or Tierra Firme, is a rare thing in the Amazon this time of year, and places to hike are hard to find. This morning we visit a private nature reserve called the Amazon Natural Park known for its lush forest and swinging bridges. The adventurous among us follow a winding tail where we see a variety of interesting trees, birds, and a rare sighting of monk saki monkeys high in the canopy. The highlight of the morning is crossing the swinging bridges through the rain forest canopy. Thoughts of Indiana Jones and great explorers run through our minds as we cross step by step, taking time along the way to enjoy the unique perspective.

This afternoon we board the skiffs to explore a remote backwater tributary of the Marañon River. Cañon Nauta is a narrow waterway boarding a gallery forest dripping in green. A huge thunderstorm is building on the western horizon as we cruise upriver. A group of us paddle in kayaks exploring the edge of the forest without the sounds of motors. Hawks, caracaras, and flycatchers are out in full force.

Back on board, a spectacular sunset highlights storm clouds as the Delfin II gets underway for tomorrow’s adventures.