Our third day exploring the Upper Amazon started with a fresh and overcast morning. Right before breakfast, we explored Marayali Creek by skiff. In this creek, different species of birds were foraging in the grass land, unruffled by our presence.

After breakfast, we explored another area called Piranha Creek. Flocks of yellow-hooded blackbirds were seen feeding along the grassland. The creek connects to one of the major tributaries of the Amazon River, known as the Ucayali River.

Late in the afternoon, we explored Clavero Lake. The village people along this lake depend on fishing, and this lake provides a lot of fish for them. The area is also used by herons and egrets as a place to roost for the night.

After an exciting day of wildlife sightings, we returned to the Delfin II for a delicious dinner and a good night’s sleep. More discoveries await us tomorrow!