Another day of adventure and discovery unfolded as we anchored at beautiful Mentebung in the Badas Islands. Our journey through this Indonesian paradise continues to delight us with each passing day.

The morning commenced with our beloved stretch class, setting a perfect tone for the day's exploration. For some of us (including this author), it was more of a proximity stretch class as we couldn't resist passing by and soaking in the refreshing energy.

Our morning was designated as an "expedition morning," offering various options to suit our preferences. Some ventured into the depths to explore the vibrant underwater world through snorkeling, while others donned their diving gear for deeper immersion. Mother Nature graced us with superb conditions – crystal-clear waters, thriving coral reefs, and a kaleidoscope of colorful marine life. The stories we collected during these adventures were filled with awe-inspiring encounters, from enchanting reef fish to the mesmerizing world of brightly-colored, burrowing clams.

After a very fulfilling morning, the hospitality team, with their ever-smiling faces, treated us to a delectable lunch to recharge our energy for the day.

In the afternoon, our thirst for knowledge was quenched by engaging presentations from our experts. Ricky Qi, our National Geographic expert, unveiled his fascinating work in a presentation entitled, "The Stories We Tell." His insights deepened our appreciation for the wonders of the region where he works. Later, undersea specialist Chris Cook enlightened us on "Coral Reef Ecology," providing a glimpse into the intricate ecosystems we are privileged to explore throughout our journey.

As the day transitioned into evening, we gathered for a sumptuous dinner, a perfect conclusion to yet another extraordinary day of exploration, learning, and camaraderie. Mentebung had shared its treasures with us, and we eagerly await tomorrow’s adventures.