Standing on the deck at 7 a.m. this morning, I was surprised at the lack of wind for the first time during our cruise. I felt the warmth of the sun god, Helios, on my face while taking in the blue Aegean. We had left Naxos behind late last night and were on our way to Milos.

There were only few of us at breakfast – this was our first lazy morning on the ship and lots of guest took advantage and slept in! The sails were up at 9 a.m. and I took pictures, and then just sat down and enjoyed the majesty of them. It is always a sight that takes my breath way. Afterwards I attended Rebecca’s lecture on ancient ships (my favorite). No matter how many times I listen to our archeologists, I always learn more…

After lunch we tendered to the port of Milos, Adamas. We drove to the ancient city and explored the archeological site. This is where Venus de Milos was brought to light, now exhibited in the Louvre museum. The new excavation and the restoration of the Hellenistic theater reminded us of the glory of the ancient city. The main town was next on our plan. There were beautiful houses, picturesque churches, little shops, incredible views and the best Galaktoboureko or “cream custard pie” of the cruise.

Swimming came next! Geological phenomena and volcanic minerals transform the coastline of the island and the cool water of the Aegean compensated for the hot summer. Back on the ship, we arrived just in time for John’s lecture on the Sea Cloud and its history. Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, the Sea Cloud Shanty Gang serenaded us with old classics and even a couple of songs in German and Tagalog. The night ended perfectly with a sky teeming with stars just for us.