Our first full day in Southeast Alaska was simply glorious! We woke up early to view the marvelous granite cliffs carved by glaciers centuries ago as our captain carefully maneuvered National Geographic Sea Bird along the Misty Fjords narrows. Soon after breakfast, our guests went out to explore this amazing wilderness area in Zodiacs and kayaks. Misty Fjords didn’t disappoint. Along with our naturalist interpreting the natural history of Misty Fjords, guests were delighted to see bald eagles, marbled murrelets, harlequin ducks, belted kingfishers, and several other feathered friends. In addition, a few guests spotted an American mink and a harbor seal near the rocky shores of the fjord.

In the afternoon, as we traveled out of the Behm Canal towards tomorrow’s destination, Wrangell, we listened to presentations from our naturalists and photography instructor on the wonders of Alaska. On cue, the wildlife appeared to confirm our naturalists’ statements. Dall’s porpoises appeared near National Geographic Sea Bird’s bow, two black bears were seen feeding on the coastline, and finally we all witnessed humpback whales bubble net feeding. We can’t wait to see what Alaska will showcase tomorrow for our guests. We just know it will be glorious!