Misty Fjords National Monument has an annual rainfall of about 160 inches. That averages to about a half inch per day. The past two stormy days had above-average rain, and gossamer waterfalls appeared — some coming from the top of 3000-plus-foot cliffs surrounding the fjord known as “God’s Pocket.” This lovely inner bay has mostly cliff walls and deep water. One end of the long pocket has a wetland with an active salmon creek running through it. Harbor seals popped their heads up around our Zodiac; they were here to take advantage of a fish dinner. Guests had the choice of kayaking near this wetland, or cruising by Zodiac along the outer edge of the pocket. The question of the day was, of course, “What are you in God’s Pocket?” This writer proclaims to be a shiny nickel. And in jest, her husband is lint.