A calmer morning greeted us after a bumpy evening. Winds had picked up, so we adjusted plans to make the most of our day.  After breakfast Joselyn gave a talk sharing some “Secrets of Survival” from the plant world —showing how we can learn about our environment by learning to “read” the plants around us. Next our National Geographic Photographer Camille Seaman entranced us with a presentation; she shared the very personal story of her journey to where she is today and where her future sights are set. During this time the ship repositioned to spend the afternoon at the spectacular Walker Cove. There we enjoyed incredible scenery with waterfalls, steep glacier-carved walls, salmon streams, and peaceful almost-glassy water conditions. Kayakers, standup paddleboarders, and Zodiac cruisers all got their fill. The Global Explorers even got the chance to earn their Zodiac driving licenses… and then it was all-hands-on-deck for an Alaskan polar plunge! What an incredible final afternoon — we truly packed it all in, including a rare full transit of the entire Behm Canal!