Nagasaki, Japan is a vibrant city with bustling street cars, brightly decorated shops, and poignant monuments. The river front boasts a manicured esplanade, showcasing the regions rich history. The Dejima district highlights Nagasaki’s rich history as a trading port, dating back to the 1600’s. An entire hamlet has been rebuilt as a monument to Japan’s first exposure to the European nations. During the romantic age of sail, merchant vessels traded Japanese porcelain and copper for sugar and delights from afar.

Nagasaki Park is alive with colorful flowers, bubbling fountains, and the calls of songbirds. The monuments evoke a sense of brotherhood and stewardship for future generations. Sister cities from around the world have donated priceless works of art in an effort to build bonds of friendship and love. Sailing away from Nagasaki aboard National Geographic Resolution, we depart with a sense of kinship for all mankind. Today’s Nagasaki creates a sense of peace and hope for our brothers and sisters from the four corners of our world.