Ideal Cove, Petersberg

This morning found the National Geographic Sea Bird traveling under gray skies down the southeast end of Frederick Sound. We were headed for our designated landing site at Ideal Cove, and our walks on a narrow boardwalk trail, through the magnificent temperate rain forest of Southeast, Alaska. This Forest Service trail travels along a stream, through the forest, up to a series of connecting “loops” which traverse around several beautiful lakes.
Once ashore guests separated into groups according to pace and length of walks, aerobic, long interpretive, and shorter interpretive. Oh yeah, the kids had their own hike this morning, which went up to the bridge and back quickly. There was another exiting activity slated for them, and they needed to return early.

The aerobic walkers made it around the lake, while most of the long hikers got to have a good view of the lake, and the large “bog” area surrounding one side. Some even got to see a black bear feeding near the bridge! Meanwhile, back near the ship, the kids were being treated to Zodiac driving lessens by the boatswain. Screams of sheer joy, and maybe a little terror, could be heard coming from the speeding craft.

Soon it was time to leave our anchorage and head for our afternoon activities in Petersburg. Along the way, we had the pleasure of hearing a lecture from Doctor Andy Szabo on humpback whales and some of the incredibly interesting research going on in Southeast Alaska with these magnificent animals.

At the end of lunch the National Geographic Sea Bird docked in Petersburg, and quickly things started to happen. Immediately, the first guests on scenic flights left for their outing, then the dock walkers soon after that, next the “photo walk” and other fliers headed out. Finally, it was time for the “bog walk” over on Kupreanof Island to go on their adventure. There was also shopping, bike riding and just leisurely strolling through town, or maybe just a relaxing afternoon onboard ship!

Finally, it was time for “all aboard”! We had another guest speaker, Becky Knight, talking about the fishing industry, a preview of the video chronicle and a Dungeness crab feast for dinner. What a full, wonderful day!