This is our last day in the Upper Amazon and we are enjoying it in the best possible way! We had left behind the Ucayali River, and today we were navigating in the waters of the Marañón River. This morning before breakfast, we explored a small black-water creek called Pahuachiro a tributary of the Marañón River. Here, there is so much birdlife to see as you explore the forest along the shore.

After breakfast, we headed out towards Nauta Creek for more exploration and wildlife observation. The forest is fascinating due to the diversity of plants and animals that make up the ecosystem. In small patches of forest, you can see several types of raptors, including the photogenic black-collared hawk, cormorants, sloths, and night monkeys!

In the afternoon we explored Casual Forest, which belongs to the small community called Casual as well. These people have opted to keep their forest, along with its animals, instead of clearing the land. This is a great decision, as we need more green areas on our planet and conservation of the rainforest is a big step among this people that have started to value their natural resources. It is fascinating to join them and find animals that are elusive and interesting at the same time. The local guides are the owners of the forest, and they help us to find tarantulas, poisonous frogs, lizards and even an anaconda! Do not forget that there was a sloth very close to us—the closest one throughout the trip!

What a great way to end this expedition in the Upper Amazon.