On arrival at Neko Harbor this morning, we were greeted by fog. As the staff set up the beach, the fog came and went, but the ship was close enough that we could see it, as well as the gentoo penguins wandering along the beach.
As we headed up the hill, the fog began to dissipate, first giving us a spectacular “above the clouds” feeling and later revealing the ship below. Over the course of the morning, we got a few clear views of the gorgeous ice, and we heard many of the small calving events for which this harbor is known.
With a calm afternoon, we got to put our kayaks in the water in a very icy and dramatic landscape, then we plunged. A new record for National Geographic Resolution as 97 guests jumped into the zero-degree Celsius water.
We encountered a large group of humpbacks and a large pod of killer whales before the crew show and then falling into bed. It was a very full and memorable day.