It was one of those days that forever will stay in our minds. National Geographic Resolution entered Andvord Bay, located immediately off the mainland of the Antarctic peninsula. Our morning was spent both Zodiac cruising and completing a short hike at the Neko Harbor landing. Striking vistas of the glaciated bay and the opportunity for guests to view numerous calving events while both on-land and offshore made this morning so memorable. A gentoo colony was also a special attraction and particularly so, given that so many chicks were observed in their nests and still being protected by their parents as skuas circled the skies above looking to pounce on those chicks more vulnerable to predation.

The afternoon was spent at Danco Island while snow fell and a ‘true’ Antarctic experience was enjoyed in terms of the weather and the majestic setting. Again, guests were able to both Zodiac cruise and go ashore. Those on a long hike enjoyed tremendous views from the top of a hill (430 feet above sea level) that rises above the landing site. Gentoos on the beach (and many with their chicks) provided those that enjoyed a short hike another viewing opportunity of wildlife at a spectacular location.