Unique wildlife, and white and red sand beaches blew our minds today. North Seymour is a small, uplifted island near Baltra, and Rabida is a rusted volcanic island with unique ecosystems.  Walking, relaxing on the beach and snorkeling were the different alternatives that were offered today, and we were able to use the different exploration tools that we have on board to delve deeper into our examination of these remarkable islands.

The morning outing was spent in an area with some challenging terrain, but the enthusiasm of our guests made the walk pleasant and enjoyable. We explored the interior of the island as well as the shoreline. Many Galapagos land iguanas feeding on prickle pear cactus were sighted in the palo santo forest. Blue-footed boobies enchanted us with their breeding performances, and many frigatebirds also were found on the low vegetation making nests while others mesmerized us with their courting displays. The outing was arduous, but every single step under the equatorial sunshine was rewarded.

In the afternoon, we cruised close to the coastline of Santiago Island and its satellite islets, as we headed towards our next destination. This afternoon we had the opportunity to enjoy the underwater realm of the Galapagos. The marine ecosystem is a mosaic of species, due to fact that seven major currents influence Galapagos. This ocean system had brought several species of fish from different provinces in the Pacific Ocean. Our eager explorers enjoyed deep water snorkeling from the zodiacs, while others opted to fulfill their underwater quest from the beach. Our first taste of the underwater kingdom was unforgettable.

After spending sometime with fish, white-tip sharks and sea turtles, we went ashore for a pleasant walk along the beach. A small brackish lagoon with waders and migratory birds took most of our time, but we were pleasantly surprised by a green pacific sea resting in the lagoon. As always, Galapagos Islands are full of wonders. To finalize our day, at the end of the red sand beach we spotted a female Galapagos sea lion with her pup. The attachment between them charmed and delighted us, and made the end of our day very memorable.