During our first full day, the guests of National Geographic Endeavour II explored North Seymour and Rabida Islands. In the morning everybody went on a hike on North Seymour to observe and photograph marine birds like blue footed boobies, frigate birds and Galapagos land iguanas. During the afternoon our guests had the chance to snorkel and hike on Rabida Island.

North Seymour Island is renowned for its extensive seabird colonies and unusual wildlife. We hiked through the arid terrain and rocky trails of North Seymour, home to several endemic species, including swallow-tailed gulls and Galapagos shearwaters. We observed the unique behaviors of the blue-footed boobies who use their distinctive feet to attract mates and display courtship rituals. The swallow-tailed gulls who feed primarily on squid during the night and roost at daylight were equally fascinating to observe. The frigate birds with their long wings and distinctive red balloon throat pouches were soaring above us, highlighting their unique courtship displays.

In the afternoon we arrived at Rabida Island. This island is known for its unique landscapes, scarlet red beaches, and diverse marine life. For the first part of the afternoon our guests chose between a snorkeling expedition or a glass bottom boat outing in the turquoise waters of the Galapagos Marine Reserve. We encountered several sea turtles, colorful fish, and sea lions. This underwater adventure offered another dimension of the natural beauty and diversity of the Galapagos Islands.

Our expedition to North Seymour and Rabida Islands was an incredible adventure that offered a unique window into the rich history and diversity of the Galapagos archipelago. This journey was undoubtedly a once in a lifetime experience!