An early morning start is the best way to beat the equatorial sun during the wet season in the Galapagos Archipelago. As soon as we set foot on the island, a large sea lion beach master awoke from his slumber and started a stroll toward the ocean, greeting us along the way. North Seymour is one of those islands where everything happens: land and marine iguanas, great and magnificent frigatebirds, sea lions and fur seals, swallow-tailed and lava gulls, blue-footed boobies and herons. A mini-Galapagos in itself!

The drought has taken a toll on the land and its inhabitants. A few holly sticks are collapsing, but the heat and moisture tell us the rain is about to fall and change to green what today looks parched.

The afternoon visit to Ràbida looked auspicious and our first snorkeling of the week left everybody wanting more. Our visit to a brackish lagoon also had plenty to see, with a few waders as well as a small group of greater flamingoes.

Returning to National Geographic Endeavour II before sunset gave everybody enough time to get changed for the evening briefing and the Super Bowl.