Today, National Geographic Islander II anchored at North Seymour Island for an early exploration. We observed nesting frigatebirds, blue-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, and many other creatures. We went inland to see land iguanas and other endemic animals. We found a very dry landscape full of what we were looking for and so much more!

After breakfast and the distribution of snorkeling gear, we had a great opportunity to refresh ourselves by jumping in the water from the back of the ship.

In the afternoon, we started with snorkeling activities from the shore of a red sand beach at Rabida Island. Some guests tried out their snorkeling gear, and others explored the unique shoreline of this beautiful island. Afterwards, we went back to the ship to change into dry clothes. Later, we explored the island to see the nesting site of American flamingos. We observed the shoreline activity with a magnificent golden light during sunset.

We had an amazing full day in the center of the archipelago, and we look forward to visiting the west!