Today was for art lovers.

Naoshima is a small island in Japan’s Seto Inland Sea. Art and nature meet in ways both cutting edge and deeply traditional, creating a destination visited by art-loving pilgrims from around the world. The modernist Japanese architect, Tadao Ando, designed Benesse House (benesse means living well). Opened in 1992, it functions as both a hotel and a museum. His architecture is very much a part of the artwork. In a gallery displaying Bruce Nauman’s “100 Live and Die,” there is an oculus to the sky that if you squint just a little, it transforms into a Japanese parasol, perfect for a hot summer day.

The Ohara Museum of Art is the result of a successful relationship between an entrepreneur and a Japanese artist assembling an outstanding collection of work.

Korakuen Garden is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, one of the country’s treasures, with lush lawns, ponds, hills, bamboo groves, tea houses, streams, and a view of Okayama Castle.

Captain Heidi Norling, resplendent in Japanese dress (a birthday gift from her team) introduced her crew. We all toasted the captain with happy birthday wishes.