This morning we sailed into Katakolo on the west side of the Peloponnese, on the mainland of Greece. The day before we had spent in the shadow of the isle of Ithaki enjoying the light show, a display reminding us that Zeus was the god of thunder and lightning. The sea was calm, the sun was shining, and we were all eager to go ashore and visit Olympia, where from 776 B.C., the ancient Greeks had gathered to honor Zeus and Hera with their Pan-Hellenic games.

The ruins of Olympia impressed us. There was a gymnasium, a pool, and a stadium where the actual games took place surrounding the sacred grove that includes temples to Zeus and Hera. The fallen columns of Zeus’s temple signaled the end of the ancient temple, an early Christian church marked the beginning of a new era. In front of Hera’s temple is where the modern Olympic flame is lit and this signals the game will take place.

We continued on to the museum and marveled at the objects found at the excavated site, like votive offerings in bronze from the geometric period depicting animals. There were also helmets, shields, and breastplates worn in victorious battles, like in Marathon. From the classical period we admired the winged victory and the pedimental sculptures of the temple. The visit was a unique experience, the tranquility of the landscape imposing. What a place to celebrate a festival of unity and peace.

Upon return we sailed immediately and after lunch we had the opportunity to take the Zodiacs away from the ships and take photos of Sea Cloud with all her sails hoisted. What an exciting experience! This wonderful day ended with a Greek BBQ dinner with all kinds of local delicacies.