Everyone was up early in an athletic frame of mind as we were off to Olympia, the location of the original Olympic Games. It was particularly pertinent given that it’s an Olympic year this year. We wandered around the impressive ruins which includes a gymnasium, workshops, temples, and of course the stadium with the running track. The stadium was definitely the favorite, with a few people trying out their running skills!

Then it was off to the museum where we could see artifacts from the archeological site including statues, figurines, and even helmets amongst other things. We could see just how small people were about 2,000 years ago from the size of the helmets.

The day was only half done when we got back to the ship, as after lunch the sails were set and we all got into Zodiacs to see Sea Cloud in all her glory. We even had a few brave souls get harnessed up to clamber out to the end of the bowsprit (after they had passed the necessary strength and balance tests!).