Yesterday, our excited group of adventurous travelers gathered early for the group flight to Ushuaia, Argentina, the self-proclaimed “End of the World.” The expedition began with a quick trip through the National Park of Tierra del Fuego, which certainly is one end of the road, the Pan American Highway. However, for us it represented the beginning of our marine explorations. A catamaran ride in the Beagle Channel, including spectacular views and abundant seabirds and sealions, deposited us with perfect timing for our embarkation onto National Geographic Explorer.
We are making good time towards the White Continent; after transiting eastward through the Beagle Channel, we turned southbound into the Drake Passage. Heading directly to the lower part of the Antarctic Peninsula, we are aiming for destinations further south than any previous this season on National Geographic Explorer. Our day was filled with necessary preparations for the days ahead and also included several interesting and informative presentations from the naturalist staff.