We started our day boarding the exploration skiffs at 06:00 am. We grabbed our bags, cameras and binoculars and we headed again in the deep flooded forest. this time Pacaya River. It was a beautiful morning with a warm breeze, quiet trees, not much wind but a lot of birds all along the way! In order to better enjoy our visit and spend more time exploring we planned breakfast outside, in the forest, among the wildlife.  

The Pacaya Samiria Reserve is mostly a flooded forest and home to birds that depend on fish for their survival.  There are many types of herons, cormorants and king fisher perching on the trees all along the way. It is a stunning ride along a black water tributary of the Ucayali River, all the way though the flooded forest the water is black and the reflection of the forest is breath taking! There is an amazing collection of bird species and monkeys! Specially squirrel and howler monkeys.     

The afternoon was spent at Dorado River. This time we had rain, one more time it reminded us why the forest got that name! We grabbed our ponchos and boarded the skiffs under the rain. It lasted a few minutes only! Then sun was shining again until the end of the day. Along the way we spotted several three toed sloths including a mother an ad Baby! The highlight of the afternoon outing was visiting the giant lily pads. The black water ponds are home to these amazing plants that decorate the landscape.  Besides being beautiful they are hunting grounds for wattled jacanas and sometimes you find little caimans resting on top of them.