It was another memorable day in the Upper Amazon. The morning started with an enjoyable skiff ride along the Pacaya River all the way up to the Yanayacu Lagoon, a very special place in the middle of the pristine Amazon jungle. Here, we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to dive into these famous waters and swim with pink river dolphins!

Back on the Delfin II, our naturalists pointed out the abundant animal life around us, such as four species of monkeys (including the brown capuchin monkey) and the always beautiful hoatzin, a prehistoric-looking bird.

In the afternoon, we explored the Zapote River and visited a small but welcoming village. We learned about the fishing lifestyle of these river-dwellers and supported the local economy by buying handicrafts as gifts for loved ones back home. After visiting the Zapote village, it was time to continue our exploration of the Amazon and encounter more of its amazing flora and fauna.